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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
PCV, hemoglobin, oxygen affinity, and Hill constant (n) of whole blood during development Ostrich Struthio camelus Table - link N/A 109642 Isaacks RE, Kim CY, Legato TJ...
Bone mass as a fraction of the total body mass Ostrich Struthio camelus 9 % 108639 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Volume of egg Ostrich Struthio camelus 1338 cm^3 105104 C. Brooke Worth, Egg...
Smallest and largest known genomes Birds black-chinned hummingbird (Archilochus alexanderi) 0.91: common ostrich (Struthio camelus) ~1.3 Gb 117104 Zhang G et al., Comparative...
Density of compact bone vertebrates 2000 kg/m^3 108642 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Ratio of density of cancellous bone to density of compact bone vertebrates 1/10 to 1/2 unitless 108643 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Toughness of bone vertebrates ~600 to 5,000 J/m^2 108644 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Fraction of swollen space out of total egg volume after release of egg into salt sea Fish Hippoglossoides platessoides limandoides 85 % 102424 S. Lønning & J. Davenport...
Hill coefficient for oxygen affinity to haemoglobin Generic 2.8 unitless 103169 Milo R, Hou JH, Springer M...
Bone mass as a fraction of the total body mass in marine mammals Mammals ~8% for smallest dolphin to 20% for blue whale % 108640 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Power law for bone mass of extant mammals Mammals m=0.061M^1.09 kilogrammes 108641 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Bone mass as a fraction of the total body mass in land mammals Mammals ~6% for smallest mammals to ~27% for elephants % 108636 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Bone mass as a fraction of the total body mass Human Homo sapiens ~12 % 108637 Brian Cotterell, Fracture...
Oxygen transport variables (P50, Hill coefficients, Bohr and Root effects) at 0.2, 0.4, and 1.2 kPa CO2 Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Table - link N/A 109520 Bianchini K, Wright PA....
Oxygen equilibrium parameters of Hemoglobin Shark Mustelus griseus Table - link N/A 109544 Naoi Y, Chong KT, Yoshimatsu...
Oxygen saturation properties of blood from domestic cats with various hemoglobin phenotypes Cat Table - link N/A 109519 Mauk AG, Huang YP, Skogen FW...
Oxygen equilibrium characteristics of hemoglobin Red stingray Dasyatis akajei Table - link N/A 109643 Chong KT, Miyazaki G...
Effect of Hb Concentration on Oxygen-binding Properties (P50, in mmHg) and Hill coefficient (n50) of Hb from human, mammoth and Asian elephant Mammals Table - link N/A 109545 Yuan Y, Shen TJ, Gupta P...
Weight span in Ratites Birds kiwi 1kg: ostrich 130kg kg 113077 Dennis M. Power, Current...
The erythrocyte sizes in various vertebrates Vertebrates Table - link µm 117074 Arikan, Hüseyin, Çiçek...